Gee, What Is Ghee Anyway?

Gee, What Is Ghee Anyway?

Is it butter? What does it do? What does ghee taste like? Read on.
Ghee is clarified butter
Ghee is clarified butter, which is a fancy way of saying it's pure butterfat.
Organic Valley Ghee starts off as organic, pasture-raised butter with 80% to 84% butterfat. Then we slowly simmer it to coax out all the excess water. What's left behind is all the nutrients and 100% butterfat.
Ghee is actually ancient
It’s hot now, but ghee is actually ancient.
The Indian subcontinent is the birthplace of ghee. People there have been cooking with ghee for thousands of years. It even has roots in Ayurvedic practices, which originated over 3,000 years ago and are still in use today.

You already know how to cook with ghee

Use it just like you would use any oil or butter in any dish. It works great for sautéing, roasting or baking.

You already know how to cook with ghee
Ghee is lactose-free, casein-free and shelf-stable.
It comes from butter, but it’s lactose-free and casein-free. Crazy!
During the simmering process, all the lactose and water is filtered off, meaning ghee is lactose-free, casein-free and shelf-stable.
Ghee tastes like nutty, buttery magic
It tastes like nutty, buttery magic.
In the process of simmering, some of ghee’s milk solids caramelize, leaving behind hints of sweetness and roasted nuts that add depth to dishes.
No refrigeration required
No refrigeration required!
Because it’s pure fat with no sugars or proteins, there’s no need to refrigerate ghee. It’s shelf-stable so you can just keep it in your pantry, right next to your other oils.
Ghee is paleo, keto or Whole30® approved
Whether you’re paleo, keto, or Whole30®, so is ghee.
There are no milk solids in ghee. So it’s generally accepted as a great addition to any paleo, keto or Whole30® diet.

Our organic ghee is solid gold because it comes from organic, pasture-raised cows.

Our cows are raised on grass with absolutely no antibiotics, synthetic hormones, toxic pesticides or GMO anything. So all you get is pure, organic gheeliciousness.

Our organic ghee is solid gold because it comes from organic, pasture-raised cows
It's As Easy As 1-2-Ghee
Millions of people love cooking with ghee and have for thousands of years. It’s just as easy to use as it is to love.
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Your Food's New Friend with Plenty of Benefits
Is ghee healthy? You bet. There's lots to love about ghee. And we do.
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