Goodness of Grass in Every Glass

It's all in the name. Delicious milk from cows that graze in organic pastures and eat organic grasses and plants, but no grain. Unique and creamy, with naturally occurring ALA omega-3, this is grass-fed you can trust.

Elevate Your Nutrition with Organic Valley Grassmilk: A Natural Source of Omega-3s!

We're proud to be a part of Organic Plus Trust's Certified Organic Grass-fed Livestock Program - a third-party certification that verifies the integrity of this milk from farm to creamery to carton.

Grassmilk 100% Certified Grass-fed farms

100% Certified Grass-fed Farms

No grain diet

No Grain Diet

Organic Plus Trust Certified Organic Grass-fed

Certified Grassfed Seal

A farmer in the pasture amongst cows.
Cows raised right.
With an average herd of just 75 cows who eat 100% organic grass 100% of the time, our Grassmilk cows have a pretty sweet life. And that’s by design. Because when we care for our animals, help them lead healthy and happy lives, and let them do what they were born to do, they give us something incredible—creamy, organic Grassmilk made from all the goodness that exists outside.
More about our animals
A family sitting around a table eating a meal with Grassmilk Whole Milk in the center.
Grass. Milk. Nothing else.
Making Organic Valley Grassmilk isn’t rocket science. We just let happy, well-cared-for cows do their thing. We give them fields to graze, feed them nothing but 100% organic grass, and never even consider treating them or their environment with antibiotics, chemicals, GMOs, or pesticides. Sounds simple? It kind of is. But what you get out of it is truly amazing—a rich, uniquely flavored milk that we feel is a true taste of the earth’s organic goodness.
The Grassmilk Family
Grassmilk isn’t just goodness in a glass. You can enjoy it in a lot of ways! Explore our Grassmilk products—and find your favorite.
Bring the outside in (to your fridge).
Find Organic Valley products near you.
A cow eating grass on the Lay's Organic Valley family farm.
What Grass Fed Means
At Organic Valley, we hold ourselves to strict standards to ensure that all of our milk comes from cows whose diet really and truly is centered on grass.
Learn more
Certified Grass-fed Organic seal overlaid an image of green pasture.
An Organic Grass-Fed Certification Seal You Can Trust
A grass-fed organic standard and certification seal that everyone can trust.
Learn more
8 Things You Should Know About Grass-fed Dairy
Animals outside, where they belong, eating what they’re supposed to eat—is it any surprise this makes happy cows and tasty, nutritious milk? Read on to learn why grass-fed dairy just makes sense.
Learn more


What is Organic Valley Grassmilk?

Grassmilk milk is artisan-quality milk that comes from cows that are 100% grass-fed and whose diets are never supplemented with grains or soybeans. This premium milk comes from the Organic Valley farms of northern California's Humboldt County, the Midwest, and Northeast and is produced in small batches to be of the highest artisanal quality.

What are the nutritional benefits of Organic Valley Grassmilk milk?

Nutrient laden, organically managed soils support diverse, lush forages - benefits that translate to the cow's milk in the form of naturally occurring omega-3s, conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) and calcium.

What do 100% grass-fed cows eat?

Like any lactating mammal, humans included, a cow's nutritional and energy needs greatly increase when she produces milk. Our 100% grass-fed cows are provided with the highest quality fresh organic pasture grasses and legumes (such as alfalfa and clover) in summer, dried grasses and legumes in the winter, and supplements in the form of minerals, vitamins and molasses year-round. Molasses is produced by crushing the leaves of cane grass. These cows' milk goes into our exceptional-quality Grassmilk brand milk, half and half, and cheese products.