After more than 1,100 samples were analyzed, the science was in: whole milk from organic, 100% grass-fed cows has more omega-3, higher levels of CLA, and a better ratio of fatty acids. Omega-3 are essential fatty acids that contribute to brain and eye health, and in other studies CLA is shown to have a variety of health benefits. Most Americans consume a high ratio of omega-6 to omega-3, as high as 16:1, with excessive amounts of omega-6 fatty acids. This new scientific study shows that Organic Valley whole Grassmilk® has a better 1:1 ratio of omega-6 to omega-3. Our cooperative supplied the samples and funding through our Farmers Advocating for Organics (FAFO) grant program for this study. Read the rest of the details in the peer-reviewed study published in the Journal of Food Science and Nutrition.