
Social Media Community Guidelines

Welcome to the Organic Valley Facebook page! We're glad you're here. In order to maintain an enjoyable and informative experience for everyone, we ask that you abide by the following house rules:

Because our social media handles are public and anyone with an account on these platforms can engage with us, we cannot be responsible for views expressed other than our own.

Please note that we may ban users who we feel violate our community policy.


Keep on topic. Among other things, we love talking about small organic family farms, our products, work we're doing in the community, preserving and promoting organic standards, sustainable agriculture, human health, and favorite recipes. Avoid speaking directly (positively or negatively) about Organic Valley competitors. Posts that stray too far from what our Coop is about belong in other corners of Facebook. Please also restrict thread comments to the topic at hand. It's good netiquette! Off topic comments may be hidden or deleted.

No political endorsements. While we occasionally post about legislation that directly impacts organic farmers and consumers, we will remove posts that promote specific candidates, political parties, or campaigns. Political endorsements in comments will be hidden or deleted.

Be nice! We love to see debate and discussion on our page, but it should always remain respectful, which means no abusive or obscene posts. We have a lot to learn from one another, and that's best done when acting civil. Hurtful or unkind comments will be hidden or deleted.

Product/service promotion. We're not able to verify the validity of outside products or services, nor do we want our wall to become a billboard of advertisements. Posts or comments promoting products or services will be hidden or deleted.

Promotions. Promotions that are run on our page, by us, are in no way sponsored, endorsed or administered with Facebook. Any information you provide is being submitted to Organic Valley, and not to Facebook. Read our privacy policy: http://ov.coop/privacy for more details.

Thread hijacking and repetitive posts. Please refrain from posting the same or similar comments or questions in numerous places or threads. Duplicates will be hidden or deleted.

Honesty is the best policy. Represent who you are and the information you are presenting as accurately and truthfully as possible. Posts or comments deemed to be dishonest will be hidden or deleted.

Be cooperative. We aren’t just a cooperative in name, we believe in the power of cooperation and working toward the same mission. Therefore, employees, shareholders, and farmer-members do not discuss internal matters through public social media channels. If posts or comments do not meet guidelines, they will be hidden or deleted.

Respect fellow social media users. The use of foul, offensive, derogatory language or making degrading statements about other individuals or groups of people. Disrespectful comments and posts will be deleted.

Additionally, the following conversation and imagery is prohibited on our social media pages:

  • Profane, obscene, inappropriate, disruptive language.
  • Indecent, sexually explicit or pornographic material of any kind—including masked profanity where symbols, initials, intentional misspellings or other characters are used to suggest profane language.
  • Threats; personal attacks; abusive, defamatory, derogatory or inflammatory language; or stalking or harassment of any individual, entity or organization.
  • Discriminatory or that contain hateful speech of any kind regarding age, gender, race, religion, nationality, sexual orientation, gender identity or disability.
  • False, inaccurate, libelous or otherwise misleading in any way.
  • Spam, or containing or linking to any kind of virus, malware, spyware or similar program that could cause harm to a user's computer.

Persons who engage in prohibited conversation (as outlined above) will have their comment(s) hidden or deleted. Repeat offenses will result in Organic Valley banning the Facebook profile.

If there are any concerns or questions about our Community Guidelines, please contact our Consumer Relations team: http://ov.coop/contact.


Social Media Community Guidelines

Welcome to the Organic Valley Instagram page! We're glad you're here. In order to maintain an enjoyable and informative experience for everyone, we ask that you abide by the following house rules:

Because our social media handles are public and anyone with an account on these platforms can engage with us, we cannot be responsible for views expressed other than our own.

Please note that we may unfollow or block users who we feel violate our community policy.


Keep on topic. Among other things, we love talking about small organic family farms, our products, work we're doing in the community, preserving and promoting organic standards, sustainable agriculture, human health, and favorite recipes. [SS6] Avoid speaking directly (positively or negatively) about Organic Valley competitors. Avoid speaking directly (positively or negatively) about Organic Valley competitors. Posts that stray too far from what our Coop is about belong in other corners of Instagram. Please also restrict thread comments to the topic at hand. It's good netiquette! Off topic comments may be hidden or deleted.

No political endorsements. While we occasionally post about legislation that directly impacts organic farmers and consumers, we will remove posts that promote specific candidates, political parties, or campaigns. Political endorsements in comments will be deleted.

Be nice! We love to see debate and discussion on our page, but it should always remain respectful, which means no abusive or obscene posts. We have a lot to learn from one another, and that's best done when acting civil. Hurtful or unkind comments will be deleted.

Product/service promotion. We're not able to verify the validity of outside products or services, nor do we want our wall to become a billboard of advertisements. Posts or comments promoting products or services will be deleted.

Promotions. Promotions that are run on our page, by us, are in no way sponsored, endorsed or administered with Instagram. Any information you provide is being submitted to Organic Valley, and not to Instagram. Read our privacy policy: http://ov.coop/privacy for more details.

Thread hijacking and repetitive posts. Please refrain from posting the same or similar comments or questions in numerous places or threads. Duplicates will be deleted.

Honesty is the best policy. Represent who you are and the information you are presenting as accurately and truthfully as possible. Posts or comments deemed to be dishonest will be deleted.

Be cooperative. Employees, shareholders, and farmer-members are prohibited from discussing internal matters through public social media channels. Posts or comments addressing internal matters will be deleted.

Respect fellow social media users. The use of foul, offensive, derogatory language or making degrading statements about other individuals or groups of people. Disrespectful comments and posts will be deleted.
Additionally, the following conversation and imagery is prohibited on our social media pages:

  • Profane, obscene, inappropriate, disruptive language.
  • Indecent, sexually explicit or pornographic material of any kind—including masked profanity where symbols, initials, intentional misspellings or other characters are used to suggest profane language.
  • Threats; personal attacks; abusive, defamatory, derogatory or inflammatory language; or stalking or harassment of any individual, entity or organization.
  • Discriminatory or that contain hateful speech of any kind regarding age, gender, race, religion, nationality, sexual orientation, gender identity or disability.
  • False, inaccurate, libelous or otherwise misleading in any way.
  • Spam, or containing or linking to any kind of virus, malware, spyware or similar program that could cause harm to a user's computer.

Persons who engage in prohibited conversation (as outlined above) will have their comment(s) hidden or deleted. Repeat offenses will result in Organic Valley blocking the profile.

If there are any concerns or questions about our Community Guidelines, please contact our Consumer Relations team: http://ov.coop/contact.


Social Media Community Guidelines

Welcome to the Organic Valley Twitter page! We're glad you're here. In order to maintain an enjoyable and informative experience for everyone, we ask that you abide by the following house rules:

Because our social media handles are public and anyone with an account on these platforms can engage with us, we cannot be responsible for views expressed other than our own.

Please note that we may unfollow or block users who we feel violates our community policy.


Keep on topic. Among other things, we love talking about small organic family farms, our products, work we're doing in the community, preserving and promoting organic standards, sustainable agriculture, human health, and favorite recipes. [SS10] Avoid speaking directly (positively or negatively) about Organic Valley competitors. Posts that stray too far from what our Coop is about belong in other corners of Twitter. Please also restrict thread comments to the topic at hand. It's good netiquette! Off topic comments may be reported and the user may be blocked.

No political endorsements. While we occasionally post about legislation that directly impacts organic farmers and consumers, we will remove posts that promote specific candidates, political parties, or campaigns. Political endorsements in comments will be reported and the user may be blocked.

Be nice! We love to see debate and discussion on our page, but it should always remain respectful, which means no abusive or obscene posts. We have a lot to learn from one another, and that's best done when acting civil. Hurtful or unkind comments will be reported and the user may be blocked.

Product/service promotion. We're not able to verify the validity of outside products or services, nor do we want our wall to become a billboard of advertisements. Posts or comments promoting products or services will be reported and the user may be blocked.

Promotions. Promotions that are run on our page, by us, are in no way sponsored, endorsed or administered with Twitter. Any information you provide is being submitted to Organic Valley, and not to Twitter. Read our privacy policy: http://ov.coop/privacy for more details.

Thread hijacking and repetitive posts. Please refrain from posting the same or similar comments or questions in numerous places or threads. Duplicates will be reported and the user may be blocked.

Honesty is the best policy. Represent who you are and the information you are presenting as accurately and truthfully as possible. Posts or comments deemed to be dishonest will be reported and the user may be blocked.

Be cooperative. Employees, shareholders, and farmer-members are prohibited from discussing internal matters through public social media channels. Posts or comments addressing internal matters will be reported and the user may be blocked.

Respect fellow social media users. The use of foul, offensive, derogatory language or making degrading statements about other individuals or groups of people. Disrespectful comments and posts will be reported and the user may be blocked.

Additionally, the following conversation and imagery is prohibited on our social media pages:

  • Profane, obscene, inappropriate, disruptive language.
  • Indecent, sexually explicit or pornographic material of any kind—including masked profanity where symbols, initials, intentional misspellings or other characters are used to suggest profane language.
  • Threats; personal attacks; abusive, defamatory, derogatory or inflammatory language; or stalking or harassment of any individual, entity or organization.
  • Discriminatory or that contain hateful speech of any kind regarding age, gender, race, religion, nationality, sexual orientation, gender identity or disability.
  • False, inaccurate, libelous or otherwise misleading in any way.
  • Spam, or containing or linking to any kind of virus, malware, spyware or similar program that could cause harm to a user's computer.

Persons who engage in prohibited conversation (as outlined above) will have their comment(s) hidden or deleted. Repeat offenses will result in Organic Valley blocking the profile.

If there are any concerns or questions about our Community Guidelines, please contact our Consumer Relations team: http://ov.coop/contact.


Social Media Community Guidelines

Welcome to the Organic Valley YouTube page! We're glad you're here. In order to maintain an enjoyable and informative experience for everyone, we ask that you abide by the following house rules:

Because our social media handles are public and anyone with an account on these platforms can engage with us, we cannot be responsible for views expressed other than our own.

Please note that we may unfollow or hide users who we feel violate our community policy.


Keep on topic. Among other things, we love talking about small organic family farms, our products, work we're doing in the community, preserving and promoting organic standards, sustainable agriculture, human health, and favorite recipes. [SS14] Avoid speaking directly (positively or negatively) about Organic Valley competitors. Posts that stray too far from what our Coop is about belong in other corners of YouTube. Please also restrict thread comments to the topic at hand. It's good netiquette! Off topic comments may be hidden or deleted.

No political endorsements. While we occasionally post about legislation that directly impacts organic farmers and consumers, we will remove posts that promote specific candidates, political parties, or campaigns. Political endorsements in comments will be removed.

Be nice! We love to see debate and discussion on our page, but it should always remain respectful, which means no abusive or obscene posts. We have a lot to learn from one another, and that's best done when acting civil. Hurtful or unkind comments will be removed.
Product/service promotion. We're not able to verify the validity of outside products or services, nor do we want our wall to become a billboard of advertisements. Posts or comments promoting products or services will be removed.

Promotions. Promotions that are run on our page, by us, are in no way sponsored, endorsed or administered with YouTube. Any information you provide is being submitted to Organic Valley, and not to YouTube. Read our privacy policy: http://ov.coop/privacy for more details.

Thread hijacking and repetitive posts. Please refrain from posting the same or similar comments or questions in numerous places or threads. Duplicates will be removed.

Honesty is the best policy. Represent who you are and the information you are presenting as accurately and truthfully as possible. Posts or comments deemed to be dishonest will be removed.

Be cooperative. Employees, shareholders, and farmer-members are prohibited from discussing internal matters through public social media channels. Posts or comments addressing internal matters will be removed.

Respect fellow social media users. The use of foul, offensive, derogatory language or making degrading statements about other individuals or groups of people. Disrespectful comments and posts will be removed.

Additionally, the following content is prohibited on our social media pages:

  • Profane, obscene, inappropriate, disruptive language.
  • Indecent, sexually explicit or pornographic material of any kind—including masked profanity where symbols, initials, intentional misspellings or other characters are used to suggest profane language.
  • Threats; personal attacks; abusive, defamatory, derogatory or inflammatory language; or stalking or harassment of any individual, entity or organization.
  • Discriminatory or that contain hateful speech of any kind regarding age, gender, race, religion, nationality, sexual orientation, gender identity or disability.
  • False, inaccurate, libelous or otherwise misleading in any way.
  • Spam, or containing or linking to any kind of virus, malware, spyware or similar program that could cause harm to a user's computer.

Persons who engage in prohibited content (as outlined above) will have their comment(s) hidden or deleted. Repeat offenses will result in Organic Valley hiding the profile from the Organic Valley page.

If there are any concerns or questions about our Community Guidelines, please contact our Consumer Relations team: http://ov.coop/contact.


Social Media Community Guidelines

Welcome to the Organic Valley Tik Tok page! We're glad you're here. In order to maintain an enjoyable and informative experience for everyone, we ask that you abide by the following house rules:

Because our social media handles are public and anyone with an account on these platforms can engage with us, we cannot be responsible for views expressed other than our own.

Please note that we may unfollow or block users who we feel violates our community policy.


Keep on topic. Among other things, we love talking about small organic family farms, our products, work we're doing in the community, preserving and promoting organic standards, sustainable agriculture, human health, and favorite recipes. [SS17] Avoid speaking directly (positively or negatively) about Organic Valley competitors. Posts that stray too far from what our Coop is about belong in other corners of Tik Tok. Please also restrict thread comments to the topic at hand. It's good netiquette! Off topic comments may be hidden or deleted.

No political endorsements. While we occasionally post about legislation that directly impacts organic farmers and consumers, we will remove posts that promote specific candidates, political parties, or campaigns. Political endorsements in comments will be deleted or reported.

Be nice! We love to see debate and discussion on our page, but it should always remain respectful, which means no abusive or obscene posts. We have a lot to learn from one another, and that's best done when acting civil. Hurtful or unkind comments will be deleted or reported.

Product/service promotion. We're not able to verify the validity of outside products or services, nor do we want our wall to become a billboard of advertisements. Posts or comments promoting products or services will be deleted or reported.

Promotions. Promotions that are run on our page, by us, are in no way sponsored, endorsed or administered with TikTok. Any information you provide is being submitted to Organic Valley, and not to Tik Tok. Read our privacy policy: http://ov.coop/privacy for more details.

Thread hijacking and repetitive posts. Please refrain from posting the same or similar comments or questions in numerous places or threads. Duplicates will be deleted or reported.

Honesty is the best policy. Represent who you are and the information you are presenting as accurately and truthfully as possible. Posts or comments deemed to be dishonest will be deleted or reported.

Be cooperative. Employees, shareholders, and farmer-members are prohibited from discussing internal matters through public social media channels. Posts or comments addressing internal matters will be deleted or reported.

Respect fellow social media users. The use of foul, offensive, derogatory language or making degrading statements about other individuals or groups of people. Disrespectful comments and posts will be deleted or reported.

Additionally, the following content is prohibited on our social media pages:

  • Profane, obscene, inappropriate, disruptive language.
  • Indecent, sexually explicit or pornographic material of any kind—including masked profanity where symbols, initials, intentional misspellings or other characters are used to suggest profane language.
  • Threats; personal attacks; abusive, defamatory, derogatory or inflammatory language; or stalking or harassment of any individual, entity or organization.
  • Discriminatory or that contain hateful speech of any kind regarding age, gender, race, religion, nationality, sexual orientation, gender identity or disability.
  • False, inaccurate, libelous or otherwise misleading in any way.
  • Spam, or containing or linking to any kind of virus, malware, spyware or similar program that could cause harm to a user's computer.

Persons who engage in prohibited content (as outlined above) will have their comment(s) hidden or deleted. Repeat offenses will result in Organic Valley blocking the profile.

If there are any concerns or questions about our Community Guidelines, please contact our Consumer Relations team: http://ov.coop/contact.