Organic food keeps pesticides out of kids’ bodies. Pesticides make us sick, they threaten essential honeybees, and they are everywhere in our water. So, why do we need all the poisons in agriculture? We don’t. Organic is a better solution.
Organic food in, pesticides out. Five days on an organic diet is all it takes to purge kids’ bodies of poisons.
The World Health Organization says Glyphosate—the most commonly-used conventional pesticide, a.k.a., RoundUp—is probably cancer-causing.
Fungicides used in conventional agriculture accumulate in pollen collected by domestic honeybees, opening the door to gut pathogens.
The Natural Resources Defense Council says conventional agricultural toxin, Atrazine, is found in abundance in the majority of Americas surface water and drinking water.
2014 Berkeley study shows organic agriculture yields are on par with conventional—without the toxins!
Organic agriculture can feed the world, if only we let it.