Organic Food is More Nutritious

A farmer standing with his cow in the field.

Science is Catching Up

Test tubes, beakers and careful studies reveal the healthfulness of organic food.

In early 2014, in the largest ever meta-study comparing organic and conventional milk nutrient profiles, findings reveal that organic milk has significantly higher levels of essential omega-3 fatty acids, a more healthful ratio of omega-6 to omega-3 fatty acids and higher levels of CLA (conjugated linoleic acid).

Studies continue to verify the findings—organic food is more nutritious!

A peer-reviewed study by Washington State University, published by PLOS One, opened eyes to the nutritional advantage of organic milk:

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A 2014 Newcastle University meta-study found significantly higher levels of beneficial antioxidants, less pesticide residue and lower levels of cadmium in organic crops versus conventional crops.

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A 2015 Newcastle University study confirms earlier findings of organic nutrient benefits in organic milk—and in organic meat as well!

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Featured Farmer

Bensvue Farms

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Love what you bring to the table

You’ll find all our organic products filled with nutritious goodness, raised humanely, and ready for your family to enjoy.